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Jean Klusmeier

A Library
Of Enlightenment

Seeking divine inspiration? Searching for something educational? Or, perhaps you’re on the lookout for an entertaining read? Well, you’re in the right place.

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About Jean Klusmeier

Jean was born many years ago. Jean did not want to be alone, so she brought her identical sister, Joyce, along with her. To Jean, the two are as one people/person. Jean and Joyce grew up in a small town overlooking the Ohio River in Rockport, Indiana. Here, neighbors knew neighbors. The town celebrated in grandeur: Easter parades, county fairs, basketball and football games, Ice Cream socials, Church social events, you name it. Jean recalls, “It was home!”

Jean and Joyce were raised in a loving, caring family. Their father, Rev. A. E. Morris, and mother, Mary Bryant Morris, inspired them to reach out and help others with their needs related to the Christian faith. It was through their parent’s guidance and the teaching of God that they became Christians themselves.

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